Monday, March 10, 2008

It's raining paintballs!

There's nothing quite as exciting as running around a paintball field trying to shoot your friends with a paintball gun. The mere thought of it brings a smile to my face as I remember the many times I duked it out with people on the battlefield. I used to be really into paintball in high school and even in college I played quite a bit. Then, to pay for an engagement ring, I sold my prized paintball gun (an Angel with all the perks plus compressed air and a portable fill station for those of you who are interested). Now that it's been a couple of years I am kind of in the market for a gun but am not willing (and don't have permission) to spend half of what I spent on my Angel. After much searching I think I've found the perfect compromise between price and performance. Without further ado, I give you the Trilogy Pro SF Autococker!
The SF Autococker has some very nice features. First, it has a full auto mode that shoots up to 18 balls per second! In order for this to be achieved it is equipped with an infrared eye that only shoots when a ball has been loaded into the chamber, thus effectively avoiding broken paintballs. You will need to have a good hopper to keep up with this gun. Here is a video of it shooting in full auto mode, so you can appreciate the magic.

The only thing I would add to this gun is a new barrel (16 inch boomstick) and a new delrin bolt. Other than that, it's combat ready out of the box. It retails for $300 but you can pick up a new one on eBay for less than $150. Here's to a summer full of fun and paint covered friends.


Melanie said...

Wow- that gun is almost as shiny as my diamond ring... I love you!

Majaii said...

Hmm, thats a very nice gun, you would own me on a speed course. Woodsball; on the other hand.....

Majaii said...

Majaii = Dave btw :D